Solved! Multi Prog Checksum EDC16C41 Nissan Fail


Quick Question:

ECU EDC16C41 Nissan, Multi Prog doesn't calculate the checksum and says failed.

Solved Multi Prog Checksum Edc16c41 Nissan Fail 1

Solved Multi Prog Checksum Edc16c41 Nissan Fail 2

Solved Multi Prog Checksum Edc16c41 Nissan Fail 3

Here is the


Select "Diagnostic" to create a diagnostic report on desktop.

Solved Multi Prog Checksum Edc16c41 Nissan Fail 4

Solved Multi Prog Checksum Edc16c41 Nissan Fail 5

Send the diagnostic file to Xhorse support.



VVDI Multi Prog calculating checksum timeout.



Try checksum again at a different time or a different network connection.

Or wait for next version that will extend the length of time for checksum.


Done! Hope this could help!


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