How to Clear M35160WT using VVDI Multi Prog?


One customer asked how to clear M35160WT using VVDI Multi Prog. He input 0000 to upper 2 line then write but still the same not clear both upper line, I tried many time.

How To Clear M35160wt Using Vvdi Multi Prog 1

How To Clear M35160wt Using Vvdi Multi Prog 2

Here is the Answer:

The option "M35160(ST)" doesn't support ERASE.


For other options, "Erase INC" button will erase the front 2 lines. After erasing INC operation, then select ALL or MEMORY option to read data for verify, Reading data the front 2 lines should be all "00", manually enter the targert mileage, then click "Write" option, operation completed.

How To Clear M35160wt Using Vvdi Multi Prog 3

[caption id="attachment_23937" align="alignnone" width="800"]How To Clear M35160wt Using Vvdi Multi Prog 4 How To Clear M35160wt Using Vvdi Multi Prog 4[/caption]

Done! Hope this could help!


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