Why Dolphin XP007 Both Lights over Left Key Green and On?
Dolphin XP007, why on the left of the key are both lights green and on the left it touching one key?
Here Xhorsevvdi technician
During Calibration,
Only Left light on, Probe higher than Cutter; Move the micro-adjuster knob to move down the probe.
Only Right light on, Cutter higher than Probe; Move the micro-adjuster knob to move up the probe.
Both lights on, probe and cutter at the same height, calibration finished
So in picture 1, the calibration is done correctly.
In picture 2, we need to move up the probe:
Loosen position 3 (position 4), and then tighten position 4 (position 3).
Xhorse Dolphin XP007 User Manual
Via: http://blog.xhorsevvdi.com/solved-dolphin-xp007-both-lights-over-left-key-green-and-on/
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